Well, happy for a couple minutes and then full of guilt and depression over the unnecessary calories. What? I struggle with a love/hate relationship with food as much as the next gal.
Back to stinky Sundays. For as long as I can remember, I've hated Sundays, especially Sunday evenings. They are the lowest low of my week. The weekend is ending, I have nothing to look forward to but Monday (ugh) and Tuesday (ugh) Wednesday (ugh.) And the biggest kicker is that I usually feel like I wasted the weekend. I've had two days for just me and I haven't accomplished enough. I wasted the days feeling too overwhelmed to actually start anything, so I just end up watching TV. Maybe we made it to Home Depot once. But that's not enough, I should have painted all the trim in the guest room or started the great American novel or fed the homeless or something amazing. Ok, maybe I'm a little too hard on myself.
I was beginning to feel that way about this weekend. But then I forced myself to list what I did this weekend, and I was surprised to discover it wasn't too bad. Not amazing, but still pretty good.
Friday night I had a movie night/slumber party with my MPG girls. No Strings Attached is one of the worst movies I've ever seen, but it was still so nice to see my MPG girls-we don't get to see each other often enough. I also cancelled the Weight Watchers subscription I haven't used in over a year. I would still like to lose a couple pounds, but I just wasn't making use of the subscription. There's $200/year saved. A excellent step towards my New Year's resolution to Waste Less. So when you think about it like that, Friday was a success!
Saturday morning I got up early and got a hair cut, went to Target before 9 am and picked up breakfast for B and I. That afternoon we spent 3.5 hours at Home Depot working with a Certified Kitchen Designer on ideas for our kitchen (WOOOHOOO) and had a lovely dinner. With the kitchen planning alone, Saturday was a success.
Today I stayed in my PJs until 3, which is what made me feel lazy in the first place. But during that time, B and I agreed upon a bunch of upcoming house projects (agreeing=HUGE step), rearranged the guest room, did 4 loads of laundry, ran the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen. I think that's pretty good overall. I also felt bad I didn't make it to the grocery store (its really cold outside.) But I ended up doing something better instead. I played Top Chef with the random food we had in the fridge (spinach, broccoli slaw, lemon, chicken, fresh thyme, leftover mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes and pie crust) and actually created a tasty dinner without a recipe. I had a lot of fun doing it, I used up all our leftovers and 80% of it was vegetables, so it was healthy. Did I Waste Less again on Sunday? You bet! Goooo me!
So overall, this weekend wasn't the waste I felt like it was. It was a bunch of itty bitty baby steps towards a happier and more fulfilling life. Sounds pretty good to me. So, I take back the ugh.
Sundays. Yay!