Ok, it's not that random. I go to BJ's for deals on toilet paper and Sonicare toothbrush heads and Laughing Cow cheese. Sometimes I'll pick up a paperback while I'm there. But finding a item for my wardrobe that I've been pining after for years? Unheard of! There I was, trying to decide between 1 or 2 gallons of olive oil when I turned around to see a shining beacon ahead of me:
*cue the sounds of angels singing*
Let me just start by saying that I am a diehard Anglophile. I love all things British. This may or may not be directly related to the fact that my family watched a lot of PBS and Monty Python when I was growing up. But studying abroad in London for a semester only made it worse. Some of the happiest moments in my life occurred strolling down the streets of London, just going to or from class. Ah, precious memories....
Anyhoo, I love wellies. Wellington boots. Rain boots. They're adorable and functional. And I love well made/quality items. The kinds of things that Queens prefer to wear. And I love a good deal.
Hunter wellies for $125 at Nordstrom? Quality-check. Good deal-uh, no.
Hunter wellies at BJ's for $80? Done and done. That's a 36% savings my friends! And I'm confident these will last me for years to come, making them a good investment. It also helps that my current electric blue Polo wellies from Marshalls were on their last legs. They were also adorable, an excellent deal and served me well for 5 years. Alas, they were a little too small and lining at the heels had worn through. So they will be donated so someone else can love them as much as I did And when Spring come, I will being my love affair with my aubergine Hunters wellies. Unless I can find a good deal on liners sooner than that ;)
*I apologize for my horrible picture taking skills-they're actually a lovely deep purple that sometimes looks navy. Aubergine=fancy way of saying eggplant in French.
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