Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fixing My Makeup

Oh, makeup. I love/hate it. Carmindy makes it looks so easy. And glamorous. But I am committed to the 5 minute face on weekdays. I guess that's what happens when you turn 30 and inherit dark under-eye circles from your mom. There's really no need to scare innocent coworkers.

Nothing bums me out more than dropping makeup. The case breaks, the mirror shatters, and it goes everywhere. Of course this happens on the day I'm running late and (of course) its a only a week old.

If it's a liquid, all you can do is clean it up the sloppy glass and cry over the lost $55. If it's a powder, I can usually use sad the remnants as a messy loose powder. That's exactly what I've been doing with my face powder for the past 2 months.

The mess it was making in my sink every morning was annoying. And then I saw this helpful hint in Rachael Ray:

With nothing to lose, I decided to give it the old college try. I gathered up my supplies and got to dropping. Eyedropping. I didn't have an eyedropper on hand (does anyone?) so I put the rubbing alcohol in an old contact solution bottle. Which I clearly labelled to avoid any angry-husband-with-burning-eyes confusion.

After I mixed it all together with one of my favorite tools, I got this paste. Not too shabby. Seriously, how great are butter knives? They can do everything.

The next morning, I had pressed powder again! It's not exactly the same as brand new, but it's a vast improvement over what I was working with before.

I've been using the reinvented compact for a couple weeks now and its working out great! Way to go RRay. Thanks to this, you annoy me less today ;)

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